
mirando al sur radioblog: The Journey of an old song

mirando al sur radioblog: The Journey of an old song: La Cantiga del Fuego Carving out her own path as a performer and composer, Ana Alcaide has played a pioneering role in introducing and po...



Hair the color of
Tobacco ash, the fair lady
anthro asked, Excuse
me please,…sir
(guess it beats Chief),

Does the red patch
On your blanket symbolizes
            Yes mam,
It surely does, it
Symbolizes that once
upon a time there
was a hole
in the blanket.

Carroll Arnett was born in 1927, in Oklahoma City.
He wrote more than three hundred poems and stories, sometimes under his Cherokee name Gogisgi, and was a former Deer Clan Chief of the Overhill Band of the Cherokee Nation.